Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Camera Etiquette

1. We need to be considerate and extremely polite as photographers. We need to be efficient with our time and consider the fact that there are other photographers on the job as well.
Also we have to keep in mind what gear we have and be careful when we have a big lens, camera bag, or tripod. Keep your other eye always open and be aware of our surroundings, don't be afraid to make friends out there because they can look out for you as well. Also, apologize politely for your mistakes.
2.  Apologize politely for your mistakes.
     a. Why do you think this is the best suggestion? I think this is the best suggestion because being polite and respectful gets you brownie points.
     b. How would you deal with a person who isn't being corporative? I politely assert my rights and tell them that if they have a problem with the situation, they can contact my adviser.
     c. Have you ever run into this before? If so, please explain what happened & how you dealt with it. I have run into it before, some adults on the sidelines don't take photographers seriously just because we are young and also girls. I always try to be very polite and I tell them that they can talk to my adviser if they have further problems.
1. Keep in mind that it's the bride and grooms day, they hired a photographer and they most likely had to pay quite a bit for it. So, as a professional, we have to explain that you want to get your shot, and then you will let them get theirs. Also, know the church rules.
    a. How would you deal with a "rude" guest if you were hired to shoot a wedding? Be very polite and try to be "invisible". Also, suggest a solution to the problem.
     b. I would remain polite and make sure to explain that the couple hired me and they're paying money for my services.
     c. Set "rules" ahead of time.
     d. Ask members of the wedding party or the wedding planner since it is in their best interests for the bride and groom to be happy, but try to avoid involving the bride and groom unless it is a severe case because, it's their day and we wouldn't want to ruin it.
1. Blame yourself and not the equipment, be polite in your constructive criticism, make sure to apologize if you hit someone and move on once you've got your good shots, and MOST IMPORTANTLY, make sure your friends and family dont take advantage of you. 
     a.When someone does not apologize for their mistake.
     b. People not taking you seriously.
     c. This is a really tough one. I would work for free to an extent. If they begin to take advantage of me I would speak up and start charging.

1. Chose the right lens, bring other options and leave them in your  car as backup gear. Dress for the weather and the activity. Be polite and use your mannersbe mindful of other photographers. Share action going on that someone might have missed. Do not hog the shot. Shoot in burst mode. Stand in one spot and look in every direction. Kneel and get different angles. Keep mental notes for next time and don't forget to have fun.
    a. There's a park in tangle wood.
    b.There's a duck pond and there's a ton of ducks and it's so cute.
    c. A backpack case and a lot of water, and dress for the correct weather.
    d. Urban because there's so many great things to shoot. It's move diverse.

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