Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Slow Sync Photography

Make a new blog and answer the following questions:

1. What are two ways to get an image in low light?
Flash or slow shutter speed.
2. What is one disadvantage to using both of those ways?
Flash disadvantages: It can leave your subject too bright and the background looking too dark because there's not enough time for the camera to collect any ambient light.
Slow SP disadvantages: This leaves your image vulnerable to more blur. You need to keep a really steady hand or a tripod.
3. What is a solution to the problem?
Slow sync flash is the solution because you get a sharp subject and get ambient light as well.
4. Explain front and rear curtain sync
 Rear curtain sync tells your camera to fire the flash at the end of the exposure. You will get the full motion but a sharp subject.
Front curtain sync tells your camera to fire the flash at the start of the exposure. The shutter remains open after firing and will continue to capture ambient light.

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