Friday, November 6, 2015



    Beautiful Cover Photo
    You've got a lot of pics to look at, I like that!!
    I like the collage style.

    Some of your pictures displayed are not your best
    Your "About me" section is too broad

  2. I love the pictures that you chose for you home page. I really like your bio for about me as well. I like the layout of your other category pages.
    I think you should make it easier to change the images in your slide show. I think you should add more contacting pages. I think you should add more photos.

  3. *Nice layout, I dig the collage set up
    *Tons of photos to look at
    *Nice idea naming the pricing packages and what they include

    *maybe try writing some more stuff things on your about me tab. It's a bit too general
    *On your contact page take off the sample email/phone# and put your info
    *maybe make the slide show on the home page be able to be clicked through.

  4. 1. Looks professional as hell
    2. Photos are clean and well shot
    3. Layout is clean.
    4. Good about me

    Maybe add some photos of other things to show what else you can shoot.

  5. Really like the way you priced shoots was something i haven't seen before
    All your photos were really great and loved that you gave a lot of variety in each image even thought you had a lot in each section
    Layout made it really easy to navigate around the website
    More images on the home page
    if you add more images it would be cool to make the slideshow interactive so you can scroll through
    Really awesome website and really awesome photos :))

  6. like:
    i love the home page
    theres lot of portraits and their all good
    i love the about me

    the contact tab is a little messed up because the phone numbers wrong
    i wish there was like nature or something on the site
    the font is a little small

  7. I like your business name, and photo choice for home page. I also like your font and color choice. Maybe a little less photos but youre website is pretty much perfect!
