Monday, February 23, 2015

6 station peer review

Which photo do you like best? Why?
The planet photo is amazing. I think that you really captured the concept that we were going for. The image is very sharp and it looks very professional. I love the colors and the orbs that are on the side of it. I love how the "planet" is on the left side and the orbs balance it on the right side.
Which is your least favorite image? Why?
 The mini people shot is my least favorite because I have no clue what is going on in it. I also think that the aperture is too low and you should've opened it up a little more so that the airplane was in focus too.

Overall, make two positive statements about their pictures.
I think that you are amazing at taking pictures. You really know what you're doing and that is evident through your shots. I love the sharpness and professionalism that is portrayed in your images. 

Overall, what is one area that this person could improve upon in your opinion.
One area that you could improve on is editing a little more. For example, in the portrait of savannah the colors are kind of bland and I feel like you could've spent more time making that picture better like removing wrinkles from the backdrop and enhancing the colors.

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